Enabling digitization with an IT infrastructure management solution

Posted: 29th Sep 2023

The majority of federal, state and local authorities still rely on paper-based processes and legacy systems that are unable to exchange data with each other. As a result, government organizations often struggle with inefficiencies, disorganization and security vulnerabilities.

It’s no surprise that IT within the public sector must be continuously expanded and optimized to support modern requirements; however, the process is more complex than it seems. With poor visibility into their IT infrastructure, many government entities face challenges when trying to upgrade their old systems or transition to cloud-based solutions. A lack of transparency also makes it difficult to understand which systems are being utilized optimally to avoid unnecessary procurement. If government executives don’t know what IT assets they have and where they are, projects can only be started after a time-consuming inventory.

To meet modern day requirements and support their goal of digitization, authorities need a modern IT infrastructure management tool.

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